How I created a 3D Design Castle Howard in TinkerCad and Printed it with Ender 5 Plus
Take a look at my 3D print of Castle Howard made in TinkerCad, printed with Ender 5 Plus!
If you’re interested in architecture or just want to see a detailed 3D print of Castle Howard, then check out my video! This print is a great way to learn about the architecture of this iconic property, and it’s easy to customize with the TinkerCad Maker.
=== Chapters ===
0:00 Intro / Tinker Cad Walkthrough
13:04 Simplify 3D
13:28 OctoPrint
14:04 Arboretum Trust
14:38 Hotel
15:03 Arboretum Trust Part 2
15:31 Front Garden
15:40 Full Model
=== References ===
Castle Howard. (2019). Castle Howard.
Google. (n.d.). Google Maps: Castle Howard.,-0.9064543,162m/data=!3m1!1e3D
=== Tags ===
#CastleHoward3D, #CastleHowardTinkerCad , #CastlehowardEnder5Plus